We work together with over 20 exhibitors and can therefore present a broad portfolio of job opportunities in the care sector. We invite you to find out more about training or working in the care sector.
Agentur für Arbeit Bad Hersfeld-Fulda
Job offers:
- Career counseling
- Student counseling
- Further education advice
- Qualification of employees
antonius:gemeinsam leben gGmbH
Job training:
- Curative educator
- Home care assistant
- Nursing assistant
- Nursing specialist
Study programs:
- Dual studies in social work
Job offers:
- antonius Volunteering (FSJ)
- Internship
AWO Nordhessen
Job training:
- Nursing assistant
- Nursing specialist
Job offers:
- school internship
- FOS internship
- Volunteering (FSJ)
- Qualification internship
Caritasverband für die Diözese Fulda e.V.
Job training:
- Nursing staff
- Business people in healthcare
- Business people in office management
- Housekeeper
- Curative educator
- Social assistant
- Educator
- Social pedagogue
Study programs:
- Social work
Job offers:
- Internships
- Volunteering (BFD)
Der Paritätische Hessen
The Paritätische Wohlfahrtsverband Hessen and its member organizations represent the interests of needy and disadvantaged people. Through lobbying, professional, legal and financial support, the Paritätische ensures the quality of its members’ social work.
Diakoniestation Fulda-Petersberg-Künzell
Job training:
- Nursing specialist
Job offers:
- Employees in care
- Nursing specialists
- Nursing assistants
DRK-Fulda gGmbH
Job training:
- Nursing specialist (w/m/d) 3 years
- Nurse (w/m/d) 1 year
Study program:
- Cooperation with Hochschule Fulda
Job offers:
- Taster days
- Internship (individual duration)
- Volunteering
Helios St. Elisabeth Klinik Hünfeld
Job offers:
- Nursing specialist
- Business people in office management
Study program:
- Dual study Health Care Management
Job offers:
- Internship
- Volunteering (FSJ)
- Volunteering (BFD)
Hochschule Fulda, Faculty of Health Sciences
Study porgram:
- Nursing
- Midwifery
- Physiotherapy
- Vocational Education Health
- Health promotion
- Health Economics and Health Policy
- Management in Health Care
- Global Healt
Immanuel Haus Bethanien
Job training:
- Nursing specialists
- 1-year training for qualified nursing staff
Job offers:
- Internship
Klinikum Fulda
Job training:
- Nursing specialists
- Nursing assistant
Study program:
- Physician Assistant
Job offers:
- Internship (up to zu 3 month)
- FOS-Internship in the health sector
- Current job advertisements
- Further training opportunities
- In-house further training
Krankenhaus Eichhof Stiftung Lauterbach
Job training:
- Nursing specialists
- Geriatric nurse
- Geriatric nurse assistant
- Anesthesia/surgery technical assistant
- Medical assistant
Job offers:
- Internship (up to 3 month)
- FOS / FSJ Internship in the health sector
- Current job advertisements
- Further training opportunities
- In-house further training
Kurpark-Residenz Bad Salzschlirf
Job training:
- Nursing assistant
- Nursing specialists
- Housekeeping / Administration / Care
Job offers:
- Social internship
- Taster internship in all departments of the facility
- Internships in recognition
Kursana Domizil Künzell
Job training:
- Nursing specialists
- Nursing assistant
Job offers:
- Volunteering (FSJ)
- Social internship
- Company internship
Job training:
- Nursing specialists
- Nursing assistant
- operational assistant
- Business people in office management
- cook
- Medical assistant
- IT specialist for system integration
- Specialist for warehouse logistics
Study program:
- Midwifery B. Sc.
- Nursing B. Sc.
Job offers:
- Volunteering (FSJ)
Malteser Hilfsdienst
Jo training:
- Care assistant
- Everyday accompainment
- Nursing assistant
- Care assistant
Job offers:
- Internship
- Voluntary (FSJ)
- Volunteering (BFD)
- Volunteering (BFDü27)
- and voluntary work
Martin Luther Altenhilfe
Job training:
- Nursing specialist (1 year)
Job offers:
- Internship: Inpatient care, solitary short-term care, day care, support, kitchen, bistro
me:care – Die Pflegefachschule
Job training:
- Nursing specialist
- Nursing assistant
Study program:
- Nursing dual studies
- Bachelor Social work (BASA-P)
Job offers:
- Internship
- Volunteering (FSJ)
- FOS Internship
Pflegeschule MediCampus
Job training:
- Nursing specialists
- Care assistant
Job offers:
- Further training to become a state-recognized practice supervisor
- Refresher courses for practice instructors
- Internship in nursing studies
Pflegeprofis Hauneland
Job training:
- Nursing specialist
- Care assistant
- Business people in healthcare
- Care/personal assistant
- everyday accompainment
Study program:
- Care Management (B.A.)
- Care Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)
Job offers:
- Internship in nursing, care, housekeeping, foot care, administration
- Volunteering in care and administration/processing
Private Berufsakademie Fulda
Study program:
- Social and health management
- Small and medium-sized business management
Sanitätshaus Keil
Job training:
- Orthopaedic technician
- Business people for office management in the health care sector
- Business people for office management
- Retail salesperson
Job offers:
- Internhsip
Sanitätshaus Spiegel
- Kauffrau/-mann im Gesundheitswesen
- Kauffrau/-mann für Büromanagement
- Orthopädietechnikmechaniker:in
Berufliche Angebote:
- FOS Praktikum im Gesundheitswesen
Stiftung Mutter Teresa
Job training:
- Care assistant
- Nursing specialist
Job offers:
- Internship (2-3 weeks, from the age of 14)
- Voluntary 3-month orientation internship
- Internships as part of retraining measures
Tanner Diakoniezentrum
Job training:
- Nursing specialist
- Nursing assistant
- Curative educator
- Curative educator assistant
- Educator
- Social assistant
Study program:
- Social work
Job offers:
- Practice for occupational therapy
Vinzenz Gruppe Fulda
Job training:
- Examined Care assistand (1 year)
- Health and nursing assistand (1 year)
- Examined Nursing specialist (3 years)
- Anesthesia assistant (ATA)
- surgical assistant (OTA)
- Business people – Digitization management, Office Management
- Educator PivA (practice-integrated paid training)
- Social assistant (2 years)
Study program:
- Midwifery (B.Sc.)
- Social and health management (B.A.)
Job offers:
- Internship
- Internships for paramedics in training
- Volunteering (FSJ)
- Volunteering (BFD)
- Practical year for medical students
- Child and adolescent psychotherapists in practice
Vitanas Seniorencentrum Fulda Galerie
Job training:
- Nursing specialist
- Nursing assistant
Job offers:
- Nursing specialist
- Nursing assistant
- Care assistant
- Everyday accompainment
- Building services
- Occupational therapist
- Administration
- Internship in all sectors