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In cooperation with the nursing schools, we offer a range of seminars for employees and newcomers from the care sector in various workshop rooms.

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Workshop #1

08:30 to 15:30

Practical guidance 2.0

Organising practical guidance in generalist training –
The great exchange of experience
from practice for practice.

Find out more about the legal requirements for practical guidance in nursing training, exchange ideas with other practical supervisors about practical concepts and find many valuable impulses on the topic of ‘professionally organising and supporting nursing training’ through the workshop.

The workshop can be recognised as further training in vocational education in accordance with §4 (3) of the PflAPrV.

Form: Lecture with interactive content
Target group: Practical instructors
Lecturers: Enrico Schneider – Krankenhaus Eichhof gGmbH

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Workshop #2

10:00 to 11:30

Non-violent care
Violence often arises unintentionally as a result of excessive demands and overload.

This workshop aims to raise awareness of how to recognise violence against people in need of care as well as against care staff. The different forms of violence in care relationships are named and the causes and factors that can promote violence are explained. Participants will receive information on the legal basis so that you as a carer are supported in your ability to act and react.

Form: Lecture with discussion
Target group: Nursing staff, carers, family carers
Lecturer: Fulda Outpatient Protection Centre

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Workshop #3

12:00 to 13:3

Palliative care for dementia patients

This topic area highlights the various forms of care and options for action for relatives, carers and caregivers when dealing with people suffering from dementia. Strategies for dealing with stressful situations in a professional and empathetic manner are taught. In addition, offers of support and assistance are presented that can help to relieve the burden on those involved.

Form: Lecture with practical exercises
Target group: Nursing staff, carers, family carers
Lecturer: Mr Dreismickenbecker Bonifatiushaus

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Workshop #4

14:00 to 15:30

Communication with people suffering from dementia

Communicating with people suffering from dementia is not so easy. From a sudden change in mood to sometimes aggressive behaviour to sudden silence, everything is present in those affected and this sometimes changes quickly. In this workshop, we would like to look at how you can deal with people. Understanding a person and making contact with them is achieved both through verbal communication via speech and through non-verbal signals such as facial expressions, gestures and body language. Both contribute to recognising their needs, reacting empathetically and, if necessary, reassuring the person.

Form: Lecture with practical exercises, exchange of experiences
Target group: Carers, support staff, family carers
Lecturer: Mr Dreismickenbecker Bonifatiushaus

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Information event

10:30 to 11:15
for jobseekers changing careers

11:30 to 12:15 
for students and pupils

13:30 to 14:15
for jobseekers changing careers

14:30 to 15:15
for students and pupils

Ways to get into the care sector

Not all care is the same. It is possible to enter the nursing profession with any educational background, from people with no school-leaving qualifications to those with a high school diploma. This lecture will present educational opportunities in nursing for people from all educational backgrounds. In addition, an outlook will be given on the prospects for specialist nursing staff to continue their professional development in further education and training in our district.

Target groups: Pupils from general education schools (registration) and jobseekers looking for a career change (please contact your local employment agency or the district job center)
Lecturer: Lukas Bischof, student of nursing education at Fulda University of Applied Sciences